Top 5 Tips for Acing Finals

May 19, 2023
It’s May, which means the end of the school year! It also means that finals are closer than we’d like, and it’s time to start studying. But how to do that? You want a good grade but also want to spend time with your friends and family in the weeks leading up to finals. With these five tips, you’ll have the best of both worlds as you ace your final few weeks of school.
- Find out what is going to be on your final. Is your final an essay? A project? A multiple-choice test? Do you even have a final in some classes? Are you exempt? These are all the things your teacher will tell you in the weeks leading up to finals. Pay attention when your teacher talks about your final and what topics it will cover. By focusing on only the topics that are on the exam, you can save yourself a lot of study time and headache.
- Start with what will be most challenging for you. Maybe you need to bring your math grade up. Perhaps you struggled with a particular unit in your science class. If so, start with those topics. By spacing out your studying, especially in your more challenging courses, you can re-learn more of the material more quickly. It would be best if you didn’t neglect the easy subjects altogether but devoted most of your study time to the most challenging concepts.
- Use all the resources available to you. There are plenty of study guides online, especially on Quizlet. Search the name of your textbook and a chapter, and you should find some good study sets – make sure that all the information is accurate. You can also make your own online study sets on Quizlet and Knowt or organize a review group with your friends. Finally, do any review exercises or practice tests your teacher gives you!
- Make sure your formula sheets and vocabulary lists are up to date. In some math and science classes, your teacher will let you bring a formula sheet or note page to the class. Make sure you make one, and make sure it has all the information you need. Even if you can’t use a formula sheet on the exam, creating a vocabulary list will help you remember the key concepts from each unit, which is an excellent way to study.
- Stay calm. Finals week is a lot. Find breathing exercises or brief meditations to calm yourself down if you get nervous before, during, or after your final. Remember that colleges do not see your final exam grades. If you’re worried, use a semester grade calculator to show yourself what grade you need on your final – it’s probably a bit lower than you think! After each day of finals, feel free to get in some last-minute studying, but remember to take breaks.
From all of us here at the Proviscope – we believe in you, and you’re going to do great! Good luck with your finals. Have a great summer, and we’ll see you next year!